Shadow Valley Outfitters
Pat - McCarty
3111 Rawhide Dr
Prescott, AZ 86305
Contact Info:
Phone: (928) 533-1903

Trophy Coues Deer Hunts in Arizona
Arizona is home to the elusive gray ghost also known as the Coues deer - technically pronounced“cowz”. Wary, and expert at using cover, Coues deer rarely offer a standing shot once jumped and their popularity from a trophy hunter's standpoint is increasing. A mature 100” Coues is one of the most sought-after trophies in the western US. We offer a variety of Coues deer hunts throughout central and southern Arizona.
Kaibab Guided Mule Deer Hunts
The world famous Kaibab Plateau is home to some of the biggest mule deer bucks in the entire state of Arizona and the United States. The Kaibab is widely considered by many trophy mule deer hunters to be one of the best trophy mule deer hunts available anywhere. The Kaibab Plateau has a very long and very distinguished history of producing numerous trophy mule deer bucks on an annual basis and has a trophy mule deer gene pool that is difficult to match anywhere. The Kaibab has filled the Boone and Crocket record books with awesome bucks that have extras, cheaters, stickers, splits and character. The mule deer populations and mule deer densities on the Kaibab are currently doing very well and hunters can expect to see multiple quality bucks each day and will rely on the experience of our guides while deciding what bucks to harvest. Trophy mule deer hunters that are lucky enough to draw a late season Kaibab rifle mule deer tags will get to enjoy one of the ultimate western mule deer hunting experiences.