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Under The SON Outfitters

Under The SON Outfitters
Richard Meachum
704 East Drew Street
Plant City, FL 33563

Contact Info:
Phone 1: (813) 650-4831
Phone 2: (813) 363-9657


Under The SON Outfitters Facebook


White-tailed deer are recognized as an integral part of the majority of Florida's 13 diverse ecosystems. They are considered the most popular game species in Florida. White-tailed deer are one of a few species of wildlife whose over-abundance can seriously degrade its own habitat as well as the habitat of other wildlife species, and inflict serious damage on agricultural crops and ornamental plantings. Their over-abundance can also facilitate the outbreak of diseases and parasites that can threaten the health of both livestock and humans. Therefore, while it is recognized that white-tailed deer are but one element in the complex and diverse ecosystems they inhabit it must also be recognized that deer harvest management will likely continue to be a necessary and desirable practice. Meeting the future needs of all deer-related re-creationists while protecting and preserving our native ecosystems is a challenge faced by all who are charged with the stewardship of our wildlife heritage.