Manitoba Deer Hunting
Directory of 4 Manitoba Deer lodges, guides and outfitters in Manitoba.

The area is known to produce very big deer with 180-200 inch deer a real possibility, which is what keeps many serious hunters coming back. We have tree stands placed along open meadows, natural funnels, at junctions near bedding and feeding areas, and over looking a rub/scrape line. Manitoba is gaining recognition for it's fantastic Whitetail hunting. You can be extra proud of your ability to kill a mature Buck on it's terms, in the wild, on a Fair Chase Hunt. Contact us for more information.

We are located near Fisher Branch, Manitoba and in the heart of some of the very best Whitetail Deer hunting in Manitoba. Whitetail Bucks in our area grow big racks with our guests harvesting many trophies. As well, our Whitetail Bucks grow big and heavy with thick bodies designed to withstand the harsh winters. Our Whitetail Deer hunting area consists of 36 square miles of prime Whitetail habitat and exclusively hunted by our guests. There are no other people hunting our Whitetail management area. Big bucks fight over this territory and when one of our guests harvest a big buck, another dominant buck will leave their present territory to take residence in our hunting area. With this in mind, year after year our hunting guests enjoy a very high success rate. We have a good population or mature deer with bucks going to 150 or more B+C.

Many of the finest whitetail deer in Manitoba have come from the Riding Mountain region. There is no baiting allowed in Manitoba and therefore the hunt we offer is of the traditional style. Lots of leg work and hard scouting is required to ensure that proper stand placement is attained. The challenging part about this hunt is that the deer always have home field advantage. When success is achieved on this style of hunt, one can sit back and relish the accomplishment of harvesting a huge buck in his own domain. The territory where we conduct our deer hunting has sort of a virgin quality. Although there are local hunters in the area, very few of them venture into the woods where we have achieved most of our success.

This is Manitoba whitetail hunting at its best. In this remote location on the shores of Lake Manitoba you won't see another hunter all day but the trophy Manitoba bucks will keep you busy. Our seasoned guides will do everything possible to make your Manitoba whitetail hunt the hunt of a lifetime!