Alabama Deer Hunting
Directory of 28 Alabama Deer hunting lodges, guides and outfitters in Alabama.

Deer hunting at Black Creek Plantation of Alabama is as good as it gets. Our property has been under a management program for 12 years and consists of a mixture of mature pines and beautiful hardwood heads which make natural funnels for deer. We have strategically placed over 50 food plots throughout the property. Our plots are planted in the spring and consist of peas, soybeans and corn. In the fall our soybean plots are replanted with tecomate with the corn left standing. We have over 75 stands located on the property that consist of shooting houses and double ladder stands . We also have plenty of vacancies for climbers if you wish to bring your own. Safety harnesses are required for all ladder and climber stands. We can accommodate up to 6 hunters at a time which will be divided into groups of 3 (3 hunters per guide). Our guide will determine the stands you will be hunting based on weather and wind direction and scouting information.

The staff at Sykes Plantation will design your hunt to your needs. We have owned and developed two National Champion bird dogs and are currently maintaining that caliber of dog in our breeding program. Guided and self-guided hunts are available for quail, deer, turkey, dove, and hog hunting.

The BlackJack Hunting Lodge is a beautiful 800 acre plantation located in central Alabama, right in the heart of the famous Black-Belt. This area is well known for its rich soil and plentiful wildlife. Our plantation is half Whitetail preserve and half free range to give hunters the opportunity to harvest a buck of a lifetime at any difficult level they choose. We also offer premier turkey hunting, hog hunting, duck hunting, dove hunting, and also bass fishing in our trophy stocked 8 acre lake. Food and lodging are included on every hunting or fishing trip. At the end of the day our clients aren't just customers but lifelong friends. Were not in this business for the money, were in it for the fellowship and because hunting is in our blood and love to share our passion.

Located on the banks of the Tallapoosa River and at the foot of the beautiful Ross Mountains, Circle W is the hunting destination of sportsmen in NE Alabama and West Georgia. We also offer shooting instruction to go along with our quail, turkey and deer hunting.

Deep South Hunting Camps offers private small group do it yourself style hunts in the Blackbelt. We have four separate tracts of land that have been managed to produce quality whitetail deer. All of our properties have a wide range of hunting terrain from mature pines, young pines, hardwood bottoms, and clearcuts. We plant multiple food plots with shooting houses and tree stands in place. We specialize in the family hunting experience. So get your family and friends together and come join us in the famous Blackbelt region for a hunt you will never forget

The Alabama Black Belt is known for producing massive whitetail trophy bucks and our hunters see an average of 20 – 50 deer per hunt. We hunt on approximately 6,000 acres. At Dream Lake, during spring and summer, we lay out mineral sites, we plant iron clay peas, bean mixes and corn to help keep our deer healthy, maximize growth potential and to keep them close by. You will see deer! Combine our managed harvest with good genetics, a solid nutritional and mineral program, and the black belt soil, we have the ingredients for success. We have elevated shooting houses from 8 to 25 feet tall that are carpeted with swivel chairs and 18″ bench rest with sand bags plus they are comfortable enough for two people. We also have tripods, single ladders, and several 2 man ladders throughout the property. We also have over 25 lock ons and ladders for a great bow hunting experience. Hunters are also welcome to bring their own climbers.

We specialize in making each hunter's dream come true by producing huge trophy deer and providing the ultimate hunting experience. The majority of our guests harvest the buck of a lifetime at Dream Ranch. Dream Ranch deer hunting consists of hunting in our 1400 acre trophy managed high fence preserve. The hunts are conducted on a fully guided one-on-one basis. Hunts take place in a 9x5 insulated shooting house, ladder stand, spot and stalk or rattling. We make it our number one priority to make sure you get a chance at your Dream Buck.

Bow or gun hunting! Careful wildlife management along with being located in the famous black belt region of Alabama, Bullock County has always been noted for producing trophy whitetail deer. Here at Greenway we offer both one day and three day hunts with guides, lodging and meals included. Hunting licenses are required and may be purchased online. Bucks taken must be at least an eight point with a fifteen inch spread (horns out past the ears) One trophy buck and two does may be harvested per hunt along with a doe a day. An additional buck may be harvested for an additional fee.

A typical hunting day at HAMILTON HILLS in Central Alabama begins with a large breakfast. You will then be placed on your hunting stand around 5:30 A.M. (daylight) to hunt until around 10:00 A.M. A short rest and lunch will be enjoyed before you are back on your afternoon hunting stand from about 2:00 P.M. until dark (5:30). You and your guide will choose the terrain and hunting stand most suitable to weather conditions, equipment, and personal preference. Our hunting stands are enclosed “shooting towers” elevated 11 feet off the ground. They are very comfortable, especially during rain, cold, and windy conditions.

Hawkins Ridge Lodge has been in operation for more than 25 years managing under a strict managing program for trophy bucks. Our hunting guest are only allowed to take 8 point bucks or larger if the buck does not have 8 points it must have a minimum of 16 inch inside spread While hunting with us you can also take 2 does, bobcats, foxes, and coyotes. This allows young bucks to mature so that you will have an excellent chance to harvest a trophy animal. Our whitetail hunts are all free chase with no fences.

Looking to get that trophy buck? Wanting a weekend hunt while on a vacation in Mentone? No matter what you're looking for, our Treasure Forest is ready. Our main green field has a wheelchair-accessible shooting tower. We keep food plots planted year-round and supplement the wildlife with feeders around the property. By doing so, we are helping to repopulate and support the deer on our property

Master Rack Lodge is Alabama's top producing whitetail deer hunting lodge for over 25 years. Whitetail deer hunting is our main priority. We manage our 9500 acres year around to grow healthy Alabama whitetail bucks. Consider us the of the hunting industry. Our guides will go to great lengths to accommodate a customized southeastern whitetail hunt to meet your needs. Service Service Service. That's the Master Rack Way. From experienced trophy hunters to family hunts searching for that first whitetail buck, we got your Alabama deer hunt covered. Fair chase, 300+ tree stands,150+ food plots, deep river swamp and tons of beautiful hardwood bottoms along with comfortable private lodging await your perfect Alabama deer hunting experience. References available upon request. Come let us work hard to match you to your Alabama trophy buck.

South East Alabama Deer Hunting at its Best. Located in South East Alabama thirty minutes north of Dothan Al is our large hunting tract of land managed year round for deer with limited hunts! We only book a few hunts a year and do not over hunt or pressure deer! This is not high fence, we manage this land year round to grow and hold quality deer. We have set ladder stands, hunting houses, ground blinds and different terrains. Whether your preference is long shots or up close you take your pick! Gun and Bow welcome.

Whitetail Deer hunting at Oak Ridge starts before daylight. Everyone is up in time to eat a hearty breakfast and then its off to the woods. Your guide will take you to your stand and will pick you up at whatever time you would like to break. We serve Lunch at noon, and then you will be returned to your stand to be picked up shortly after dark. At the end of the day you'll enjoy a large southern style dinner cooked by your personal chefs at the lodge.

Imagine yourself in a "big buck" area where there has been little or no hunting pressure for years. You'll have a large area to yourself with no competition and if you choose to hunt on a food-plot, the ground will be blanketed with fresh tracks and deer signs! Deer are abundant in Alabama allowing a "buck-a-day" bag limit, and this plantation has been shooting mostly does for years, which means your chance of taking a trophy buck are excellent. At Old Spring Hill, a trophy buck is defined as an eight point or greater with antler spread outside the ear tips. While here, you will have the opportunity to shoot one or more does, also.

There’s a reason more than 95% of Pa-Ko’s deer hunters return again and again: our hunts are simply best in class. We manage our herds to produce trophy-size bucks. Our knowledgeable guides work with small groups—or even one-on-one—to assure safety and success, even for the novice. Our per-hunt deer limits are as generous as it gets.

Quail Hunting At Its Best...Is found on our many acres of natural habitat. This sporty gamebird, the Bob-White quail is found in abundance in the low brush of Rhodes Hunting Preserve. Whitetail deer roam freely and are abundant...but illusive. Come join us and test your skill for an exciting heart pounding hunt. Our year-round Land and Wildlife management program will reward you with FAST FLYING BIRDS, GOOD DOGS and BEAUTIFUL WHITETAILS and ROLLING LANDSCAPES,with towering PINE PLANTATIONS. We are a small Hunting Preserve but the QUALITY is as big as it gets.

Ruzic Farms is a 2800 acre ranch located in coatopa Alabama on the ten tom river. Our ranch has been family owned for over 50 years. A very strict game management plan has been in place with very little hunting pressure. We have a balance of open meadows and mature hardwood bottoms. Our ranch is a hunters dream. Very few places in Alabama have 75 plus year old hardwoods. We have an abundance of deer and turkeys. Mature deer can reach 130-170 class. We are booking 3 day deer and turkey hunts. All hunts include meals and lodging. Call us for all your personal or business hunting needs.

Shadow Ridge is located on over 850 acres in East Central Alabama in the beautiful scenic countryside of the Piedmont, an area well known for its beauty and abundant wildlife. We offer the best in high fence hunting and free range hunting. A visit to Shadow Ridge Hunting Lodge is a combination of sport and relaxation as your hosts work to ensure that you and your guests have a great experience. Trophy size harvests are not uncommon and the turkey hunting in this part of the country is phenomenal. With over 30 blinds/stands with food and game plots scattered throughout timber stands and transition areas into huge hardwood bottoms and old growth upland pine stands there is no shortage of whitetail deer and wild turkey.

Bullock County boasts more than 30 deer per square mile. Hunt at Shenandoah Plantation – where big bucks abound! We welcome both bow and rifle deer hunters and we have deer hunting stands from "Portable Lock-on Type" to "Fully Enclosed Shooting Houses". The property has been on a trophy-buck management program since 1991. Minimum buck size is 8 points with 15 inch inside spread. Our hunting is great from the opening day when we hunt around acorns in the hardwood bottoms to the end of the season when we hunt on green fields and corn fields. At Shenandoah you may encounter wild hogs on your hunt. You are welcome to take a hog in addition to the game you signed up for.

Deer Hunting at Water Valley is some of the best in the South. With over 30,000 acres to hunt, the lodge can offer every type of terrain: clear cuts, winter food plots, hardwood stands, young pine plantation, thinned pine plantation, swamp bottoms, and hills with mixed timber. Water Valley uses almost all types of stands on the hunt; tripods, ladder stands, lock-ons, shooting houses in the air and on the ground. Some hunters will be on the ground in large clear-cuts. If hunters would like to bring their climber it is no problem. Bow hunters must bring their own climber. At the lodge a display of stands will be set up along with targets for our bow hunters to practice with.

Our unique combination of prime habitat, ideal population level, and modern wildlife management techniques ensure a natural free-range deer herd unexcelled in quality. Located near Aliceville, Alabama, the 12,000 contiguous acre property is renowned as one of the finest whitetail deer hunting properties in the Southeast. Wildlife management is a year-round program at Westervelt Lodge. From planting and managing food plots to routine upgrades and updates of the property, the staff of trained wildlife biologists is focused on developing optimal conditions for a trophy-quality white-tailed natural free-range deer herd.

White Oak Plantation is a family owned and operated whitetail deer hunting lodge located in Macon County in the famous Black Belt of Alabama. It has set the standard for other lodges in Alabama for over 32 years. The lodge has been the site of countless storied trophy buck hunts and big bass and bream harvests. Many of the most world renowned outdoor writers in America have visited the lodge and recorded their fishing and hunting trips in national magazines.