Illinois Deer Hunting
Directory of 18 Illinois Deer hunting lodges, guides and outfitters in Illinois.

We take our deer hunting very seriously by strategically placing food plots of corn, beans, clover, rye, alfalfa, and buck forage oats. You'll also find that we have some fun doing it. We're also proud to say the deer that have been harvested on average score 141. We have a 50% success rate of P & Y bucks or bigger with nearly a 100% shot opportunity on a P & Y buck.

Big Oak Hunting Paradise offers archery hunting of trophy bucks during the season. We harvest only trophy bucks in our timbers and along our streams. There are no fences at Big Oak, and the deer are wild and free, providing you with some of the best sport you can find anywhere. We take pride in managing our Deer herd so trophy bucks are always available.

Boone and Crockett Hunting Preserve is a full-service, 420 acre wildlife habitat dedicated to the secure managed field hunting of upland game birds in the Midwest. We also offer 1,600 acres for managed trophy whitetail and turkey hunting. Whether you would like to access the acreage alone, in a group, or with an experienced guide, B & C promises one of the finest shotgun or bow hunting experiences available in the West Central Illinois. We are conveniently located 20 minutes from Quincy, IL and Hannibal, Mo airports. Free shuttle service available.

FLC Outfitters offers some of the finest deer hunting in Western Illinois. We are a Bow Only operation and have been since 2000. We currently are hunting on over 3,000 acres (a combination of two private farms) of the best Western Illinois deer hunting anywhere, with a plentiful supply of deer. These are large continuous pieces of land. This insures the hunter that they will not be competing with neighboring hunters on small pieces of land.

Our trophy whitetail hunting preserve is located in west-central Illinois, in the town of Huntsville. Hunts are fully guided with staff that is passionate for deer and the outdoors, driven to make your hunt a success. The only thing we guarantee is that youll experience up close and personal encounters with majestic giant whitetails

Located just a half hour east of the Quad Cities and 2 hours west of Chicago, Garden Plain Hunt Club offers over 400 acres of woods and rolling hills. Single, family, and Corporate annual memberships are available. Half and full day non-member packages are also available. Guides, dogs, and bird cleaning are available for an additional fee. Archery, deer, and turkey hunts are also available. Not to mention sporting clays and breeding and training of some of the finest bird dogs around.

Hopewell Views believes only in quality deer management, with some of the best world class trophy deer hunting. We only allow bow hunting on our properties and impose a strict 130" Pope and Young minimum. We have managed a success rate of over 35% on bucks ranging between 130" and 200" in the past ten years. This is truly some of the best whitetail deer hunting anywhere. We limit the amount of hunters booked each year to provide the hunter with quality deer management and success.

Illinois Ohio Valley Trophy Hunts offers Guided Deer Hunting in Pope County and Young County well known as the Deer Capital of Illinois. Our hunters are not only impressed with the quality of Whitetail Deer on our 4,000 + acres private land, but also with the extraordinary management of our Food Plots. Illinois Ohio Valley Trophy Hunts guarantees the work ethic and dedication required to provide you with the whitetail deer hunt of a lifetime. Our deer hunters are not only impressed with the bucks on our land but also the extraordinary quality and management of our food plots. A multitude of secret food plot mixes are interspersed throughout our properties which serve to maintain and enhance our big buck population. Our fertile soil here in southern Illinois and the natural layout of our land coupled with superior food plot implementation and management, has produced some of the biggest bucks in the country.

Welcome to Illinois Wildlife Connections. Located in the heart of South-Central Illinois we currently manage over 5,000 acres for Archery Only Whitetail Deer and Eastern Wild Turkey. We strive to provide you the best opportunity at a trophy animal with clean comfortable accommodations and excellent meals at an affordable price.

Deer hunting in Southern Illinois is probably some of the best hunting a hunter can find, as far as quality and consistency in deer management. We have farm fields that have very good fence row cover as well as wooded bottom ground cover. We have very accessible locations to whatever kind of hunt you would enjoy. Hunting may be done in different locations in different ways according to the hunter's needs.

Archery, Shotgun and Muzzle Loading. Excellent areas to hunt. Deer stands are already set or you can bring your own. ATVs / Transportation available for the more remote areas. Packaged or group rates available for overnight stays and meals. Taxidermy and meat packaging in close proximity.

Rack & Wing took off in 1997 when the farm was seeded down to native prairie grass. Being a life long farmer and an avid outdoors man, great values are built into Rack & Wing. Friendship and honesty are our main policies and goals. Rack & Wing is a year around hunt club. We have almost everything you could need to have a great time through out the year. Our whitetail and wild turkey hunts throughout Northwest Illinois will bring you back year after year.

South Fork Outfitting has family owned farms, with many acres of big timber and food plots with great stand locations. These farms are well managed to keep the deer flowing right into your sights. South Fork Outfitting offers a world class hunt from a beginner hunter all the way to some of the biggest pro staffers out there. Having proven records, we are confident that you will take home a trophy to put on your wall. South Fork Outfitting provides all hunters with a full service hunt, lodging, and meals.

The Hunt Club is truly a trophy deer hunters paradise - a walk through the lodge will show you some of the magnificent animals that have been harvested since we started hunting bucks in 1991. A first time hunter at The Hunt Club will often ask, Where did you get these bucks? Right here on these grounds! Take a look at the photo gallery, and see what we mean. And while you are at it, notice that we feel quite fortunate to have offered not only the buck of a lifetime to many hunters, but BUCKS of a lifetime to many of the hunters who return to hunt with us year after year.

Xtreme Hunts is a Illinois Whitetail Deer Hunting Outfitter located in Pike, Adams, and Brown Counties, known as the golden triangle. We manage 14,000 acres with 300 acres of food plots. Plots consist of turnips, oats, clover, brassicas, soybeans, corn, and the mighty white oaks in the creek bottoms and hardwood timbers of West Central Illinois. We are a very low hunting pressure Illinois Whitetail Deer Hunting Outfitter with a strict 140” minimum on our deer harvested.